Thursday, January 10, 2008


Using wigs has always been a choice in our daily routine. Lace front wigs are very attractive to look at. Particularly the natural hand tied Lace front wigs are too good to look at. Being a regular user of Lace front wigs, I have compiled the following Must Dos with Lace front wigs and thought of sharing it with you all too.

The Must Dos with Lace front wigs

  1. Wigs are associated with tangling to some extent. Hence make it a point to comb the Lace front wig very regularly.

  2. Place the Lace front wig in the manikin or wig stand. This would retain the Lace front wig shape for long. Use silk scarf during bedtime.

  3. Lace front wigs are made up of lace material, which is very delicate and soft. You will have to handle your Lace front wig very gently for it to have a long life.

  4. Use comb with wide teeth to comb your new Lace front wig.

  5. Find out what is the type of adhesive that best suits you. You can prevent hair loss from your scalp by using the right adhesive depending on your body chemistry.

Looking for the best quality lace front wigs or full lace wig, please visit us

We have the most affordable and best quality lace front wigs on the net.